>>11046769This thread is extremely hateful and homophobic. You racist white people should learn about biases and stop being bigots.
Stop being bodyphobic racist xenophobic sexist transphobic and last but not least homophobic and learn to accept people for who they really are.
Everybody here on this site should feel ashamed of themselves.
This thread is unfunny and cringe.
Jews are our friends and we should treat them with dignity and respect.
White devils like all of you should get destroyed.
White people are the problem.
Whites do about 99-100% of all the world’s crime anyways.
It would be better off if every single cracker on here killed themselves.
Trump is a facist racist sexist ageist transphobic homophobic bigot that should die.
Communism is the only answer to survive
Joe Biden is our last chance to take the senate and white house back from you racist cis white male scum.
Nobody will replace him.
All of this propaganda against him are lies made up by the GOP and Trump.
He did nothing wrong along with Obama and Hillary.
I stand with Biden 100%
Biden and Kamala are going to put everybody in chains again and segregate us from you disgusting crackers.
Both Biden and Kamala’s great great grandparents owned slaves and they will honor them by putting everyone back into chains.
The Chinese Communist Party didn’t release the virus.
Donald J Trump released the virus to make us go to war against China.
Donald J Trump rigged everything in 2016 and he will probably do it again because he’s a cheater.
Shut this garbage thread down now.
Vote for Biden 2020 or you are a racist.