[7 / 3 / ?]
>be me
>post serious questions on /a/, /fa/ and other boards
>"hahaha you couldn't do worse"
>"this has to be bait"
>"he is just an oldfag trying to bait us guys"
>"fucking bait threads faggot op"
>mfw I am too lurkless on other boards to even being considered a newfag
what level of betaness is this /bant/ ? :(
>post serious questions on /a/, /fa/ and other boards
>"hahaha you couldn't do worse"
>"this has to be bait"
>"he is just an oldfag trying to bait us guys"
>"fucking bait threads faggot op"
>mfw I am too lurkless on other boards to even being considered a newfag
what level of betaness is this /bant/ ? :(