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The epic of seigepilled scott part 1

ID:6OLfTx6j No.11056144 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>be in ameriFAT hahahahahah
>be on the run from the pc police for 3 years
>fucking cringe liberals hunts us down for dabbing upon their heroes the paul brothers saying all lives matteR(I know they dont since ive read the bell cvrve)
>be sitting in camp with ben shapiro and seigepilled black guy
>slowly drift tosleep
>dream see my self with fellow warriors
>realize this isnt a dream but a vision of my based aryan prussian ancestor removing kebab with srpskan allies.
>be excited ( killing muslims who dare set foot in belgrade and this was the time when liberals didnt protect them with affirmative action)
>but i see my based prussian ancestor get stabbed by his sprpskan allies
>wak up
>what could this mean i dont understand.
>walk the woods contemplating on this dream drawing on my vast knowledge of evropean cvltvre and christian theology to see how this could happen
>hear sirens and iffeminate man baby voices using xi pronouns and uneducated ghetto blacks saying black lives matter (even though they on averag score lower iqs than whites)
>they come and say im racist cause im white they have no claim for that
>say im not a racist im a race realist
>they say so racist
>i knew immediately that these liberals would not listen to reason
>pull out my m1 that i bought legalu and shoot them to kill them
>alert them that the pc police are close by and they will hunt us down and kill us
>he flee ]