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Race-mixing was foretold as a bad thing in the Bible. I never understood it until I understood what race-mixing does. So, while, I was growing up in the 90s, it was a good thing America was diverse, "we are all people of the world!" However, that has led us into the downward spiral we are facing today. In a melting pot of different races and with each of those races, difference ideologies and mind sets. How can you unite as a people when all of your views differ? You can't. And we are seeing this today. If we truly came together as Americans, we would not be so easily divided. But, since we are full of refugees and illegal immigrants, they refuse to adapt to our culture, morals, idealogies and continue acting as if they are back in their home country. So, this causes balkanization. And all that needs is a flame to that fuel and we are living (((their))) dream, our nightmare.
Mixed children cannot identify with themselves so they often times pick 'the more convenient' race to side with. Not even mentioning that in the future, good luck with blood transfusions or organ donation without your body attacking itself.
The mental, physical, emotional toll of being a mixed kid is like no other race. I have to pay for my mother's and father's mistake of having unprotected sex and having me. I don't know my family past my great grandma on my father's side.
Oh well, woe is me.