>>273127079Chances are, and this isn’t a slight, that you had family here a lot longer than that. Behind virtually every white American exciting and inspiring family story is the cold reality of Anglo Saxon pioneers from the 16th to 18th centuries who are nowhere near as fashionable as the other options. It’s where the whole “Scots Irish” thing came from. None of these people were Irish and only half of them were Scottish. Most were Northern English and Border families, Protestant zealots who ran plantations in Ireland and then left for the Colonies. They would have vomited at being associated with Irish.
Yet, on St Patrick’s Day, many of them who call themselves that celebrate the day - with mental visions of happy looking Celtic folk with green eyes and big smiles. In practice they were from the far reaches of Yorkshire, Northumberland, Cumbria and the borders.
tldr you will have had family from Germany but you will also have loads of English in you, like pretty much every white American