OK I'm just going to say it. I masturbate to furry shit exclusively and imagine my body pillow is my furry waifu. I also imagine having a big fluffy tail and large fuzzy ears throughout the day. to the point that making sure my "tail" dosnt get stuck in doors and swiping it to the side as I sit have become involuntary actions. I have tried repeatedly to stop these behaviours and failed. I now realize that I have permanently fucked up my brain and I will never have a real relationship because of it. I watch Isis execution videos and honestly wish it was me getting shot in the face. All the while my friends make fun of furrys and I have to act disgusted and ignorant. even though I know this is what set me down the path in the first place, but I cannot warn them without exposing myself. So I just revel in accelerating the processes of turning them into degenerates.