>>11090906>lifestraws and bottled water >so much canned food>easy mac.......fucking easy mac, shit has a shelf life of 1 year because MILK product packet. shit isn’t even air tight so enjoy your mold in 2 years on the shelf>not a single fucking portable solar panel and battery pack>propane lantern laughingelfman.pnglol you are one dumb nigger holy fuck
if your sperg ass wants to go that way you need large containers of water and sawyer filters. lifestraw was designed for actual niggers in Africa because their underdeveloped brains can’t into “why do I need water storage when I can drink for this puddle?” so they have them straw filters because nigs be retarded
you’re going to need to stockpile about 2 cases of anti diarrhea meds because your dry foods aren’t air tight and canned stuff past a few years will get you a nice visit from botulism outside a environment controlled room
If you want your tasty noodles then you need mountain house dry foods shit last 30 years. MREs suck, shit shelf life, shit taste and heavy/bulky as fuck. you’re gonna want a few bags of sand for when your *giggles* lifestraws give out to still be able to filter water. big bag, sand layer, charcoal layer, sand layer, collection bucket, heat to boil, maybe a few drops of chlorine if in hand?????? PROFIT if you don’t know how to make charcoal then I suggest suck starting a shotgun
say it with me portable solar panels, s o l a r p a n e l s and some battery packs or rechargeable batteries. did you even look into longtime storage or just start throwing random shit from the pantry into your boomer cave?