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ID:RVrvCAVB No.1110428 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
To all alt-righties, I would like to propose a message that we the Australian Socialist Party is going to propose war and revolution to you. We urge our comrades from all regions of the world to join in and disrupt any pro-fascists/right-wing rallies as these bring nothing to the working class and only hinders the progress to help those really in need. Being part of a big capitalist system has never really helped anyone and even through decades of progress, there are hardly any improvements within the working class and the time is now.
I urge all our comrades to reason now that violence is the answer, watch this video , and you’ll see why only through violence that we can get things done. Don’t be afraid to beat up someone wearing a ‘pepe’ shirt or shouting hate speech as they don’t even deserve to live.
Also a note to all “pro-liberalism” and “sjws”, your pacifists’ views are not welcome too. You have done nothing to help our cause and thinking that being “peaceful” has achieve anything, you’re just fooling yourself.
Lastly, to all environmentalists that are trying to save the planet, don’t fall for cooperation’s trickery on saving the earth. They’re just there to gain a profit by capitalizing on the current “trend” of going green. You don’t need them and again, be violent as that is the only solution.