>>11116986This is so true. The Myth of church girls being good is only workable if you are Amish. Not even the Mormon church is sage now. The divorce rates in Mormon families have skyrocketed. There is NOTHING you can do. See the post on women voting.
>>11116781This is so well put, I wish TFM would talk about this.
>>11116792If you ever wonder if JEWS did MGTOW? No.
In fact it is the Polar opposite. You go MGTOW? You start putting yourself first? Everything falls in place in your life. You see women just for what they are. And you see they can't help but be this way. They have almost no choice.
>>11116790There are no such thing as Trad-Women. Just women. Women are what you make them to be.
And they as women, are now fucked with tech.
They can never go past this again. That was the Pandora's box. The Apple that eve took etc.
>>11116787As Breden Frasier. He loved his wife. And Kids. All gone. It destroyed him. He never got back to his old self. That is how they destroy you. You fall in love you lose. I thought that was a Joke. Its not.
>>11116788Women don't want stability. They only want drama. People don't understand how important it is for women to Pair bond when young. We are talking like 14-16 is that critical time. Before it was older like 18-22. This is due to drugs, tech medicine etc. Now you often here 12 year old girls talking about sex with boys and even as young as 11. Its fucked.
>>11116784You wonder how? How would you feel as a woman that gets whats going on and you realize the truth? You are fucked forever. Never being happy. You get what you are. You understand what men really do want. But you are none of those things.
When the attention goes away, women die. That is the drug they Fed them. There is no man they will love. No man they will feel that is there's. Its all a lost world for these women. All they have left is drugs.