>>11123589>inb4 I get called a faggotI’ve had two woman mentors actually, in a manner of speaking. One was this crazy ass wine aunt archetype woman who despite her craziness is very successful in the field (ran all of IT in a country that isn’t the US for a giant bank you have heard of), so she took me on and I learned a lot. I was able to take the good parts of her knowledge and experience while leaving behind the neuroticism and relatively poor interpersonal strategy. On top of that she connected me with some people such that I can always get a good job if I need it.
The other one was also a very successful and just an all around wise and kind person. Helped me so much it would be hard to even explain the extent of it. She functioned exactly like a man in the workplace, meaning she was very assertive, confident and at times aggressive. Kind of a masculine energy she could turn off and on. Gave me a lot of valuable advice and experience in both work and life generally.
I still think women are less capable on average than men in the workplace, and that it would be best if women primarily concerned themselves with raising future generations. I don’t see how that’s an injustice to them either — their nature draws them to it anyway, even if they pathologically misdirect that nurturing instinct (see: cat ladies)