>>11135445>>>the illusion of law>Wtf does that even mean? Do you always coin nonsensical phrases?It means that contemporary lawfulness is just an empty phrase as it signifies some object to have been made in accordance to institutions whilst ignoring for the validity of said institution.
Say a politician writes a law giving him unconstitutional power and making him an effectual tyrant, this would be lawful whilst contradicting the meaning of lawfulness.
Unless you are vmbo you should posses the ability to critically think about definitions and paradoxes.
>You get to vote retard, and no they don't have to follow the explicit will of the people.And my point is votes are just a sham if the promises that buy said votes can be ignored at leisure.
Read my fucking post again; it's them REPRESENTING us that gives them validity, that's the fucking definition of a representative, if they stop doing this and actively try to surpress the voice of the people then they lose their democratic mandate.
>Most people aren't even close to highly educated in the Netherlands.They don't have to be to make decisions, as the nation is our collective property it's our right to guide it, that's democracy.
A healthy democracy has a public debate between experts that the people can listen to and even participate in, in order to form proper opinions and
You act like politicians are experts, whilst their education rarely passes beyond law, sociology or economy. They may stand above the average citizen but they're definitely not aristocrats or meritocrats.
The access of information and education today is unpresedented in history, if there ever was a time to entrust decision making to the people it would be now.
>I got you all figured out, typical.Nice reply but you evidently don't know shit. The way the government handles an epidemic clearly shows they have no clue what they're doing despite being the 'experts' that would not fuck up the country as you say.