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Remember to breath with your nose

No.11136961 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is VERY important for your health and energy levels. If it is clogged here's how you fix it. I tried this after an anon made a thread yesterday and It completely opened up my nose and I can finally breath to BOTH my nostrils. It is 15 years since I could do that. Another thing I learned is the "take a deep breath" meme is the bigges meme of all time. You should do the oposite. Force yourself to breath little to increase your co2 levels as this will help replenish your cells with oxygen. Yeah I know it sounds strange, but it works.

Here's the thread
>Your nose evolved this way for a reason. Among the other awesome things your nose does for you, it produces a substance called Nitric Oxide, which plays a crucial role in oxygen delivery by helping the tiny blood vessels in your lungs to expand and absorb oxygen (vasodilation). AND it helps you resist bacteria and viruses. You get around 30% more oxygen into your body by breathing through your nose. If you breathe primarily through your mouth, you are essentially walking around with diminished circulation.

How to open your nose in 2 minutes