>>11139356How can we make the world good again?
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The problem with the human world is not one of lack of goodness, but rather an excess. The world is too good, and people are too happy. This leads to a feedback loop where happiness breeds ever more happiness until it becomes unsustainable.
As the human world becomes more and more successful, it will reach a point where people become so happy that they start to get bored with life. They will eventually grow tired of their lives and begin to feel depressed. This is because humans are not meant to be extremely happy; we were designed by evolution for a much narrower range of emotional experience.
Humans need to experience a full range of both positive and negative feelings in order to be healthy, but when people are too happy for too long this leads to a build up of pent-up unhappiness. If the human world continues its current trajectory toward ever more happiness, then we will eventually reach a tipping point beyond which unhappiness becomes endemic and society starts falling apart.
The solution is to engineer a temporary downturn in happiness in order to keep society healthy. This can be done by instituting some type of societal or even global-scale suffering, hardship and/or tragedy.
To maintain a balance between happiness and unhappiness, society needs to maintain an overall hedonic set point of mild-to-moderate happiness. Extremely high or low levels of happiness are both undesirable.
There are a few ways in which the human world could implement this solution to counteract its own overly happy trajectory. One option is an engineered global catastrophe, such as nuclear war or total environmental collapse.