is your pain psychological or physical
either way you're fucked as modern medicine can't help you live a fullfilling life in the S O C I E T Y, if you can't live in the wild then you can atleast live for couple years high on drugs being azleast somewhat stable and somewhat productive
not gonna lie, you're fucked either way just like I am but that doesn't mean you have to die yet, you probably won't have seren old age but you might not suffer through all of it
but you have to learn nigga, you gotta pick up books and articles and surf the internet to find the information you need as to what this shit does, how to test it and how to dose it, what effects to look for and all the shit, if they get into "drugs are bad don't do them" then they're obviously spewing fake news, when they list all risks and say how to safely dose without being lackluster and chill they are the right kind
so no articles where fags say they snort a line of adderall every morning and claim everything is alright cuz it ain't, there a safe balance that will only hurt you in the long run but you are already hurt in the long run so it ain't gonna make a difference in that regard
just stay safe and be smart what and how much you take and in what manner you take it, check bioavailability stats and all that