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ID:EWUPeF7f No.11172228 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, real truth. I come here because you guys are unironically epic, funny and generally nice, I am overjoyed with all the autistic anime posters for turning the place into a safe space for neuroatypicals such as my self, avatarfagging namefags, and QT dubchecking krauts who look for dubbs like watchdogs.

Because of you three groups, One single night here actually got me out of depression. And to all the rude posters :I don't mind a little short bus tier replies here and there, but with your irrational fagmarkish behaviors and your lack of moderation, you're the only ones who are ruining the board for the current posters and future posters.

I'd tell you how good I've been making you seethe , but who am I kidding, the entire enemy side of this war is a collection of menchildren with obvious father issues, and I know that you'll just go away if I keep ignoring and trolling the shit out of you. While simultaneously making high quality shitposts.

I can't thank you enough and I hereby dub this new best board, at least in my eyes. Love you guys.