>>11185527when I was floating down the green river with my wife and some friends a few years back, a silver ball just popped into the wester horizon and sat there for two or three minutes then just disappeared. Didn’t zoom off just popped out of existence. No sound and it glinted brighter than anything I’ve ever seen.
driving west from vernal ut getting groceries one afternoon and right at the top of howdys hilltop and bottle hollow a bright amber colored light appeared at almost directly overhead. As I drove a couple miles into town the amber light sunk in the horizon and lowered below the horizon , out in the cedars and it was between me and the little mountain to the west. It hung out where we could clearly see it and then it just faded to dimness and then looked like it just went out
The third one happened to my cousin who works for the ute tribe b.i.a. as a cop, he was called out to the ranch one night and fired his service pistol at something that was large and dark grey running over the rocks and sagebrush out toward the north west of the ranch. he shot at it and wasn’t able to hit it
he said it had three toes and scrambled around on al fours but it stood up and ran off too fast to follow
they brought a drug dog k9 out to track whatever it was but the trail stopped cold after a few hundred yards
the shooting audio was captured on his dashcam in his cop truck