>>11196719 Far from being born in some exotic kind of special flesh, we are assured in v.14 that Christ Himself partook of the very same kind of flesh and blood of ordinary (fallen) men, and in v.16 we are told that He possessed the nature not of angels or of pre-fallen Adam, but of those who were of the seed of Abraham, furthermore in v.17 it is reiterated that Christ was born with the same kind of human nature as his brethren, not a special kind of pre-fallen human nature as Catholic dogma demands.
Why does this matter? Had our Lord not won the victory over Satan in the same broken nature that we possess, what encouragement could we possibly draw from His victory? – “Oh sure, Jesus could resist temptation and overcome Satan, but that’s only because he has the advantage of special unfallen divine flesh, He isn’t handicapped like we are.” How can someone as weak as I hope to follow my Lord’s command to “sin no more” if Jesus Christ Himself had to be born of special “pre-fallen” flesh in order to accomplish this feat? – No! Christ came to Earth to live as an example unto us, to show us how to live righteously, to prove that life can be lived in accordance with the law of God despite being hampered in weakened flesh, and to reveal to us that the law is not a law of condemnation, but rather the law of love, to show us that through faith in Christ all things are possible. Rom.8:3-4 = “3For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” – by faith, Jesus perfectly obeyed the law while situated in the fallen sin-tainted flesh of humanity, and by faith so can we.