[18 / 8 / ?]

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It's time to take the ebonypill, /bpol/. Stop encouraging flat as a board white '''women''' and their mental illnesses, politics and entitlement.
>WMBF marriages have the highest success rate and lowest divorce rates out of any combination
>are naturally curvy unlike asians and white girls
>their vaginas are tighter than any other race (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24464469)
>can back you up in a fistfight
>superior cherry pusy
White women are civilisation destroying tools of the jew, and asians are hideous low key financial vacuums and only beta, high estrogen, glasses wearing, weak jawed white guys date them.
>WMBF marriages have the highest success rate and lowest divorce rates out of any combination
>are naturally curvy unlike asians and white girls
>their vaginas are tighter than any other race (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24464469)
>can back you up in a fistfight
>superior cherry pusy
White women are civilisation destroying tools of the jew, and asians are hideous low key financial vacuums and only beta, high estrogen, glasses wearing, weak jawed white guys date them.