>>11216507Yep. Delusional Ameri-bros are always trying to thump their chests and act like America is the last hope for European/western civilization. Man, how fucking drunk on kool-aid they are lol.
The reality is that it's most likely going to be Europe, if they can survive the American-induced multi-cultural voodoo spell and their mudslime problem. In case Ameri-bros haven't been paying attention, we're losing the demographics game, HARD. The future belongs to whomever shows up for it, and everyone else except Whites are showing up for it. To add salt onto the wound, look around at the state of American youth, even the White youth. Far too many are asleep at the wheel, brainwashed, or fucked up and pozzed as the next degenerate nog next to them. I'm American and I hate what a fucking joke our culture has become.
Blah blah, call me a black piller, a quitter, whatever. I'm just too jaded and demoralized because above all, I'm a cynical realist with a bad case of Cassandra's Curse. The Great American Experiment of a multi-culti melting pot is a failure. It's all about DEMOGRAPHICS and those who control ethnic and cultural hegemony. This country is riding on a wave created by a splash from previous (white) generations, and that wave is fading.