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Why does anybody even use this board?

ID:HY2RE3sf No.11251907 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This board is the absolute worst place on 4chan. It has the tranny spam of /r9k/, the schizo posting and rarebait of /pol/, and the moderation and loli spam of /b/. I have never once enjoyed reading a thread on /bant/. To even make the catalog useable, I am currently hiding 23 threads. Twenty fucking three.
No board has spam like the spam here. There are some 8 threads for trans shit active, all of them have less than 10 replies each.
Obviously the Jannies don't give a shit about the quality of this board so they won't save it. My question is why anyone even uses it? I'm only here because a thread was moved from /pol/. In fact that's the only time I come here.