>>11253113These peoplee, their pain, their fear, it is all nothing to me.
It really amounts to nothing because they cause more pain and fear than they experience.
Thus, the solution is not to ‘disagree’ or to latch onto this or that political movement
like fascism, god forbid one try to be a ‘traditionalist’ Christian European,
but to purposely embody everything horrible and bad according to the Jews.
Not even to try to moralize it, but to anti-morally praise evil.
This anyhow is, on the other side, pretty much what Jews do.
Their texts repeatedly praise genocides of pagans.
The real behaviour of the Catholic church is not any different.
They are a bloodthirsty, violent, wily adversary, to which I respond by being equally bad.
Only that they are my enemy, so I kill them off.
Unlike them, I’m not ‘excited’ by fear and destruction, I just coldly kill them off.
I am a snake, I feel neither love nor sympathy nor pity for them.
I don’t even feel much hate, really, just the need to kill.
Nothing beyond what one ordinarily must feel in reaction to the truth about 18,
that is a near-paralysing fear.
That is doubtless the normal reaction to them in general.
As far as the act of killing them or the plan to, there is no particular feeling, just cold hate.
Actually any sort of attempt to dialogue about it or moralize it would be absurd,
as the degree to which these religions are evil is absurd, it is unbelievable.
The degree to which their badness outweighs any pity or sorrow is immense.
They are genuinely terrifying, I won’t deny.