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3:00 outer buzzer
While I was walking, I had the left butt cheek zapper simultaneous with the left foot arch MEGA zapper. I started thinking about why that zapper feels different than the other zappers. As soon as I had the thought, they did the left foot arch MEGA zapper again. I think the reason it feels different is because it is actually MEGA popper implant like I had on the left side out shaft site on my dick earlier in the summer. The first batch of ones in my foot went while I was homeless through a slice in my big toe, and they threaded this one into my arch several inches through that slice on my toe. At first it was distinctly a zapper, but now it feels different. This might be a second one there that does the popping. Usually they only do that left foot arch zapper while I am walking, I guess so as to suggest that it has something to do with the extension of my toe and not an EM transmitter,
but they have also done it very many times when I wasn't moving my foot at all, and that makes it 100% obvious that it is only a ruse of theirs to zap me with that one during the extension of my toe tendon.