>>11292458When are you stubborn retarded faggots finally going to listen to reason as i say it for the 6 millionth time.
There are tens, probably hundreds of thousands of what youd call qfags or qtards. And thats because youre too fucking arrogant to admit.you missed the point. The q movement itself is comprised of former normie NPCs who have redlilled themselves into reality and they are YOUR FUCKING ALLIES. They want an end to globohomo. An end to economic slavery. An end to govt control. An end to fucking blm, antifa, and the sjw cancer that has infected our world.
Which of those does pol think is bad?
Recognize your strengths, anons. Dont push these people away or ridicule them. However they.got to where they are, whatever the fuck you want to aay Q is, these people are mass redpilling their NPC friends and family DAILY. What the nigger fuck is your sarcastic, condescending ass doing, TODAY, to even come close to what these "qtards" are getting done?
Make use of these people, connect with them and fight with them. Each of the 2 groups offers undeniable benefits to the other that most others cannot. Both fight the same jew. One dares to name them.