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Coast Guard seizes almost $400 million worth of drugs

ID:aEHmDV8v No.11300352 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So far in FY2020, the Coast Guard has made more than 170 interdictions, seized more than 280,000 pounds of cocaine and 57,000 pounds of marijuana, and detained nearly 400 suspected smugglers in the busy drug transit zones of the Eastern Pacific and the Caribbean.

“These results are unity of effort in action," said Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Karl Schultz. "This is what it takes to keep illicit drugs off American streets. We take these drugs down at sea, where they're most vulnerable, where they're most susceptible to intercept. In doing that, we break the cycle of those drugs landing in Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico and triggering violence and corruption. That's why this matters.”
