>>11329355I can tell you why with one quote.
"We will aid the negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” -- Israel Cohen, Communist theoretician, in his book, “A Racial Program For The Twentieth Century” published in the Congressional Record of June 7, 1957
Who owns the media and entertainment? Who's lackeys own the various sportsball leagues?
Whites are discouraged from utilizing their physical prowess in sports, in favor of black participation. There have been reports of white athletes actually being attacked if they show greater prowess against black athletes.
Notice that, in every sport that has not been promoted as mainstream, whites still dominate, due to a lack of interest in those sports by the ZOG. If those sports become more mainstream, only then will ZOG seek to "black" them.