>>11334083Yeah i bet you cant read you stupoiid fuckingt4ranny. Take more HRT, maybe you'll finally blow your own head off and myabe the world wil be a better place. Despite being half black I am far more literate and superior to you than youw ill ever be, stupdi proxy fag. You are below me, you are below non coloureds and below niggers. You are a chimp who cannot even breask the first stage of evolution, It is amazing that most of the posts you make are not incoherent as you are a literal fucking chimp on a typewriter, You know what I do to chimps, you stupid motherfucker? I roundhouse every chimpaznee stupid ass CHIMP I see. you aren ot a human, you area chimp. At most I willbe charged with animal cruelty. Wheere are you located? The fucking congo?? Are you a rwandan piece of shit fucking tutsi bastar??d/? i'll speak to you in a language that you central african barbarians can unjderstands, we call it fist.