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ID:O8Ruh3bm No.1133730 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> be british
> bite into fresh crumpet
> Teeth fall out
> wife walks in with achmed McSandblastThatPussy
> achmed plows your wife
> with the force of 40 thieves the vibrations of his fur covered dick make your wife speak holy scripture
> your remaining teeth fall out
> achmed pleased by her moans starts to cum with the Alladin theme song playing in the background.
> He yells araaaabiaaan niiiiights and arabian daaaays >as he grabs her british butthole and spanks her for being an infidel.
>stuffing crumpet after crumpet into her ass, he plows her pussy and shows her a whole new world with his magic carpet ride.
> with a toothless smile the brit says Oi I'M SMOKING A FAG AND HAVING ME A BAG O' CRISPS, WELCOME TO BRITGHANISTAN.
>As a truck plows into his wifes ass the queen and prime minister ask for a moment and silence and to be tolerant of achmeds rape scene.
> Together everyone holds hands and sings a song of unity in Arabic.
> The end.