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shut the fuck up spaceman. i hate your guts, i hate your life, everything about it, and i especially hate you calling me joshie.
i even hate the fact that you edited my face to many diaperfur pics that were posted here back then
i want you to do this board a favor and end your fucking self.
i don't care how much i mean it, i want you to leave this board be and stop haunting it too.
and you're not in dead n'wah heaven. you're in life, attempting to bully someone because "someone died".
nobody is gonna believe that because i never died, never jumped out the window, never injured myself, and i only got myself into some stupid hospital that i do not want to think about. no wait, make that two! it's all so tiresome, even after 2019. all i wanted to do was MOVE OUT OF YONKERS! all I wanted to do was have fun.... do whatever I want to do... but still manage to be the best.... i wanted.... everything. except harassment.