>>11376961> Also you may never start feeling better from your depressionI didn't really "get rid of it". It was more like it went away. I went to therapy and took medication for it for like 5 years. Also I have been running 5 hours a week for the good part of the last 3 years and I think exercise helps with making me feel better.
>You mean.. Depressed for the end of life?!Maybe, But probably not. Sometimes people commit suicide while they are depressed (I tried that to). You should just try to enjoy things rather than saving them for later. because you can always enjoy them later if you don't enjoy them now. If you are worrying about things getting ruined because you watch them while you are depressed then that probably won't happen. I have recovered from depression and all of the things I used to enjoy came back, and I don't regret not delaying trying to enjoy things.