>>11402422start with small stuff. wash the dishes right after you eat, make your bed in the mornings, walk the dog. do these kinds of tasks every day and eventually you will be able to do those things you want to do.
in my experience, i have had very tough times in my job where i could have told my boss that i was done and i wanted to go home to wack off and they wouldn't say no without a second thought. but i didn't, because my discipline in my work necessitates that i do my best. even when i'm tired as hell.
if you really are serious about wasting time, then you have to move away from the internet. there are not enough hours in a day to waste 8 hours on the computer, then 8 hours to sleep, then 10 hours to work, and then a couple more hours to do small things like eating and cleaning your house. it's just not possible. you have to accept the fact everything costs time at the expense of something else