>>11419135well, I am in the military, I am afraid they would force me to take part of that asnwell eventually
and here let me translate one verse
דור שלם דורש שלום -entire generation demands peace (left wing)
תנו לצה"ל לנצח - let IDF win (militant)
עם חזק עושה שלום - strong nation forces peace (far right wing and also militant)
תנו לצה"ל לכסח - let IDF kick ass
אין שלום עם ערבים
אל תתנו להם רובים - no peace with Arabs, don't give them weapons (right wing)
קרבי זה הכי אחי - combatant is the best dude (it's more of a pun)
גיוס לכולם, פטור לכולם -conscription for everyone, exemption for everyone (it's kind of an inside joke)
אין שום ייאוש בעולם - no despair in the world (it's a famous saying of certain extreme religious group)
so this song sounds like it's taking a political stance, but in the end it says nothing