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ID:RiFGcdFr No.11430685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be you (hypothetically)
>have qt Jewish Khazar milkers gf (hypothetically)
>she insist you visit Israel with her
>you begrudgingly agree to go
>walking down the streets of Jerusalem
>the whispers of the Jews fill your ears
>they are watching
>they are planning
>suddenly one yells
>"oi vey, dat goyim shtill got his foreskin get 'im"
>you turn and run as the horde descends on you
>you run as fast as your strong Aryan legs can carry you
>but it is not enough
>the horde begins to pelt you with scheckles
>shouts of "oy vey dis is just like da shoah" fill the air
>you cannot escape
>the crowd holds you down and you prepare to lose your foreskin
>but wait
>what's this
>the crowd is fighting for the honor of circumcising you
>you take this opportunity to flee
>you sneak out of the city and swim back to mother Europa
>but at night
>outside your window
>you can still hear the clinking of sheckles against the glass
>you are not safe
>you will lose your foreskin
>but not today
sleep well frens