>>11441501thinking about making plans?
>>11441513very true, the only thing that should matter is mastery of the material. i don't see a reason why 95% of classes couldn't function perfectly fine with just unit tests as grades. stuff like graded homework and attendance just punishes people who are capable of striking out their own path for the sake of forcing people to do things that they should be aware they need to do if they need it
yeah. there's certainly an angle it could be taken but it's so bad i decided to take a point hit for not replying to others because not a single one says anything that's possible to expand upon or contest. they just say they agree because the data shows the law will make people recycle more and that's good.
bonus points though that nobody actually understood what the law was going to do. the whole point of the article was to say that companies should be forced to buy back empty cans/bottls from customers. somehow everyone thought that the law was going to fine citizens if they don't recycle
>>11441532good thing these are good then
in theory you'd think i would but i don't think i do generally. was that pop rock though?
this i like a lot more. unfortunate that the live version seems better than the album one considering the audio quality
word, great mini