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otaku gf

ID:nX8T9lt5 No.11442005 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hi, im 16 old and im from spain. I love anime and history. Since some time ago i've being trying to get a gf, but i'm too shy so i can't. i'm not gonna say,
I'm not going to say it's society's fault, it's all my fault, im not an stupid nice guy who sais "they only want stupid guys". i know i still being so young, but belive me, this won't change in the future. I know this is really pathetic, but it's an anonymous forum so i dont care. I'm sick of feeling so alone, so If there's a otaku teen girl who's reading this and is interesed in an otaku guy who likes watching anime, reading manga and light novels and speaks spanish, i let her my telegram number
+34 621 307 093
(i'd like to clarify that you are not looking for anything sexual, just someone to talk to). And if u are a kind of trol or u are going to start to insult me , i only want to tell u that u are wasting your time because i'm not gonna read this thread. Thank u so much for your time