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Quoted By: >>11494006 >>11494008 >>11494010 >>11494011 >>11494014 >>11494015 >>11494019 >>11494021 >>11494022 >>11494024 >>11494026 >>11494028 >>11494031 >>11494033 >>11494039 >>11494040 >>11494042 >>11494046 >>11494048 >>11494049 >>11494050 >>11494057 >>11494059 >>11494067 >>11494073 >>11494074 >>11494075 >>11494076 >>11494077 >>11494078 >>11494081 >>11494084 >>11494091 >>11494095 >>11494096 >>11494097 >>11494099 >>11494110 >>11494112 >>11494120 >>11494123 >>11494124 >>11494126 >>11494127 >>11494131 >>11494140 >>11494141 >>11494143 >>11494144 >>11494152 >>11496133
Turn signals help to reduce the number of vehicle collisions, but they don’t stop an accident every time they’re used. I believe they don’t help at all and in fact, cause more accidents than they prevent. It’s a great example of the government forcing us into slavery one step at a time by forcing us to do what they want or to pay a fine for noncompliance. I never use mine for these reasons. Why throw liberty out with the garbage every time you get in your car? Am I alone in this?