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ID:65Z3/09T No.11500136 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>get bullied at school regularly
>pull out a FAT-69
>set ipod to pumped up kicks.
>start mowing down everyone.
>The police come in and start firing at me.
>throw a grenade at them
>all the police within a 420 mile radius are dead
>The illuminati recognizes my skill
>they send in their biggest dinosaur.
>Run out of ammo.
>run to the the schoo dojo (I live in japan)
>pull out a katana
>start slicing the dinosaur up into a bunch of sushi
>give it to the incoming velociraptor unit as a sign of frienship
>The velociraptors start telling me that the illuminati was abusing them and that they are actually a peacefull vegan species
>Get on the lead velociraptor and we go into the secret illuminati headquarters
>illuminati is all like OH SHIT so they summon satan
>satan pulls out a 666 bladed bladed katna made of solid gold and lava.
>try to slice him up but my sword melts
>The lead velociraptor gets killed
>OH shit
>I see my life flash before my eyes
>right before the blade hits me I hear the ghost of osama bin laden.
>Convert to islam
>Sword gets blocked by a force field
>Start firing lightning out of my fingers
>satan dies
>Illuminati headquarters blows up and all my gangstalkers die
>mohammad and isa are smiling at me as a walk away from the explosion.