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we lit

ID:Wsqdh0g7 No.11503167 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gardevoirs are gentle, yet strong pokemon that radiate elegance and grace
>Whoever said that never met yours
>You know she cares for you, and you care for her too
>Even if she isn't as graceful and elegant, or even as emotive as other ones, she has a tender heart
>For some reason, though, she keeps on lashing out
>She regularly knocks out pokemon that get within spitting distance of you
>Even if she has to leave her pokeball to do so
>They mostly those in their final evolutionary stage
>They're always female
>Even if they're your friends' pokemon, she knocks them out regardless
>You keep asking her why
>She never answers

>You are more than incensed when she beats up a shiny Hatterene
>To call it a battle would imply moves were used
>What ensued was catfight
>The Hatterene came out of the brush and said something to Gardevoir that sounded snide
>Next thing you know, Gardevoir's leapt onto her and they're wrestling on the ground
>You've never seen her fight the way she did, tearing at hair
>The only reason you were able to get her off of the Hatterene was because you sent in your other pokemon
>Your Rillaboom had to pry her off and your Mr. Rime used Protect on the Hatterene
>You give the Hatterene a few sitrus berries to help with her injuries
>She, in increasing pain, flashes you a look of gratitude before teleporting away
>That leaves you, Gardevoir, and the rest of your pokemon
>To say that you're livid with her is an understatement
>You lose your temper and start yelling in her still hardened face
>You want to know why she keeps on knocking out pokemon you try to catch
>Why you can't visit your friends anymore without putting her in the storage system
>Why she has to be this way
>After your tirade, you expect her to be enraged herself
>What you do not expect is seeing her fighting to hold back tears
>She darts off into the brush, still in too much pain to teleport
>You try to calm down after your outburst
>Instead, you feel regret mount within you