>>11516600Mothering states give custody regardless of the fathers situation. You should look into it.
>How is she?Awesome. She's getting so big. It really brings a tear to my eye to see her grow up.
>Is she being raised good by her mother?Her mom is in rehab and a program to get her outta that hoe life now. She's being raised by a guy we use to call Buzzkillington. He's much older than me and has a lot more resources available to give her. She's loved it and is adjusting well.
>Happy without you around?Actually no :(
She tells me all the time that she doesn't like her new dad and wants me to come back. Breaks my heart that I can only see her a few times a year and I know she feels the same.
Unfortunately I can't work things out with her mother so as much as she wants me to be around her I can't be.
Thanks for asking though m8. Nobody really asks about her and she's a big part of my world even though she's a state away.