>>11516904OP is a massive faggot His dick is tinier than a newborn maggot He really thought he was being funny clever and witty But in actuality his post was just very shitty The only other thing his mouth spills out that dumb Are impossibility large quantities of nigger cum He wishes he had a woman between his knees but instead he can only jack off to dick-girl fantasies the only action he'll ever get is a one-way with his hand infact his entire birth wasn't even planned His room is full of dragon-dildos and weeaboo-merch he is even more pathetic than Anthony Birch the last time he saw a real vagina was when he was born the last time moon-man inside job his mom her cervix was torn. O look OP's mom is already knocking on my door and her gaping cunt is begging for more so before i go i want you all to have a nice day and remind everyone in this thread that op is fucking gay 'kkkay 'kkkay 'kkkay?