>>11537566productive gamer
why would i lie about this
hmm i see. i was just a bit confused because during the lecture the prof made a comment that u can't use positive verb forms like ます with negative frequency adverbs likes あまり and 全然 but u can use negative verb forms like ません with positive frequency adverbs like よく or たいてい so if that's true i wonder what the difference between よくしません and あまりしません is
probably similar i don't do it often and i often don't do it i guess
we were doing examples asking people if they do stuff so they could respond with how frequently they do it and the professor laughed when i asked 日本語を勉強しますか
>>11537584never had sriracha to be honest. we have some but every time i smell it i decided to put off trying it to another time. thai chili sauce is way more viscous and transparent as well as a bit chunky.
not surprised but cool nonetheless
i'm about halfway through so far and haven't noticed anything egregious on that front but you've got a better ear for this stuff than i do
most of the songs seem pretty mediocre but up no more goes insanely hard and i like believer a lot