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I've been erased

No.11541382 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Youll say good
And congrats
Your not the silent ones who are worse for not fighting you
Your the ones who think if someone is transgender and with no clue what it means say I should die don't worry I am so be happy
Just remember this when you suddenly don't exist you cry out for help and then are also gaslighted cancelled and everyone that isn't you

This is how you silently exterminate I have never hurt kids I tried to have one my gf was murdered who is behind this method is irrelevant
When everyone you know for now the TV presents for you who you are
And they fall for it. Guess they start with me and all the other real transgender people and use insane transexuals propped up to add to
You have committed genocide
Cheer go ahead
I won't and wouldn't any way cuz I don't hate

You will understand when Its your turn
Youlll get it escape? Nope funds.frozen
You do.not exist
I'm already dead