>>11544263Boys will fuck anything because they haven't learned to control the penis. When it comes to long-term relationships and marriage, men will not choose the short and stumpy 20-something year old female who is already lumpy, dumpy, stumpy and frumpy, because men instinctively understand what happens to that "baby fat" once the female hits her 30's and has immersed her flesh for nine months in the raging hormones of a full term pregnancy. And men instinctively understand that it all goes downhill rapidly from there as that short, stumpy, lumpy, dumpy, and frumpy female who has pushed out a child or two now enters her 40's and 50's. Do you know what happens to her? She becomes a single mom.
The ideal woman for a long term relationship is a woman that is smart, talented, classy, long, lean, lithe, and delicate. She will remain sexy and beautiful for decades, while the low-IQ, slutty, trashy, short, stumpy, lumpy, dumpy, and frumpy woman will be a nightmare by the time she hits 40.
>Behold! I present to you the ideal female form.