This facility is called the Salt Pit. They say it is a CIA black site prison in Afghanistan but it is in Atlanta. It gets its name because this is where they used to take the nuclear waste from the Georgia Tech nuclear reactor before the Savannah River facility opened. In the nuclear engineering jargon, nuclear waste is called "Salts." After they started taking that stuff to Savannah River, it fell into "disuse" and then into the hands of the Collinses who used it as their torture lair and later the CIA.
Pic related, this salt life bullshit is not about chilling out at the beach. It is about the True Detective cult that has this facility as its "Carcosa." Indeed, even the Collins Brothers' Company abbreviates its name as "Coboco," as in
[email protected], and that's probably how they came up with the name Carcosa on the show: because it sounds like Coboco.
This motherfucker in the news lately Babylonski looks quite like a Collins.