>>11554394Disorder is a natural phenomenon that is manifested by the action of the very forces of a system left to its fate.
A gigantic wave of disorder is plaguing the nation, political, administrative, economic-financial, moral disorder. Disorder that makes nothing work right, with no one to know who to complain about anything, disorder that presupposes the absolute absence of responsibility at all levels, disorder that ultimately throws citizens, especially the poor, into deep despair and a lack of security in the face of the future that makes them ultimately not believe in anything.
The state of absolute disorder in which the country finds itself, as well as the bad example that comes to society, coming from constituted power, stimulates the worst that exists in any human being, greed, corruption, the need for easy gain, dishonesty. Creating a society where hatred, violence, mistrust, non-cooperation prevail. Finally creating a disorderly band where each desperately decides to fight for their own interests, in an unbridled race to save whoever can, one fighting against the other, without any perspective, with nothing to be spotted on the horizon, since everything points to a direction only ... of a greater disorder. It is a crisis for the whole society.
Society is sick. He suffers from a picture of Athetosis expression that translates a certain form of motor incoordination. The various segments of disarticulated society are struggling, each trying to survive the true state of shock in which the nation finds itself.
The way we are, with a ship aimlessly, we will get nowhere, unless society as a whole unites around a central idea, so that we can emerge from the bottom of the ocean of cultural inopia, in which we are immersed, in a situation of order, an order that will not be eternal, but that, at the end of its cycle, will bring us to a higher level of the human condition.