>>11556317Oy've been on that internet again right... An' it's always bin a bit wonky annit, always bin a bit weird yeah? But ah givvit another go 'cos like, it's technology and that innit, it's the MODERN AGE, where the marvels and wondrous digital contraptions brought forth by the electronic magicians truly boggle the expanses of one's consciousness!
So ah went on there right an' this geezer went to me, ah dunno 'oo it woz coz like his name was "Anonymous," an' I'm pretty sure that wasn't 'iz real name, or if it woz, iz parents must've been on sumfing FUCKING MENTAL...
But anyway ee's come up to me on the internet right, on this site called 4chan which at first glance looks kind of like just a load of pictures an' writing an' that, sort of like a book, but the literary contents are NOT reminiscent of any TOME, VOLUME or PARCHMENT upon which yor 'umble narrator has ever set his gaze... WHERE WOZ I... THIS GEEZER, ee's gone: "'Ere," I sez "Wot," an 'e goes "For you."
I deliberated muchly on this pearl of unbridled wisdom, worthy perhaps of Descartes or else some other philosophical dabbler of his ilk, an' fort to myself "Not this again" coz it must've bin the fifteemf time somebody seddit on there in like ten minutes! Or mebbe it wuz the same geezer I dunno, EVERYONE'S FUCKIN' ANONYMOUS!
So, not one to leave such mysterious verbal fruit dangling before me, ah sed to 'im: "Oi m8, wot's yor fuckin' problem? 4 me? Wot's 4 me?" An this OSCAR WILDE of wit and charm told me to fack off back to 9gag! I said "Excuse me bravva, I don't meen no disrespect or noffin' but mebbe YOU need to fuck off back to SKOOL, because YOU seem to be in dire desperate NEED of some educational and academical enlightenment!"
I dote know if it was just him callin' me a faggot twenty times, or twenty different Anonymouses, each one calling me a faggot, or some statistical comprisation between the two right, but ah basically got called a faggot twenty times... Not very modern AFTER ALL!