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In the comments Lauren writes- "Hey everyone, I’m sorry for not talking about this earlier. There’s been a lot going on, and this is only one of many things that has happened over the last couple of years. My departure from politics was mired in government shenanigans as well and I wasn’t even able to address all the bullshit reasons made up for why I left. I’m sick and tired of it and I just want you all to know the truth.
I’m going to start making more videos addressing everything, because honestly if I don’t speak for myself the lies and subversion will just keep stacking up. I’ll be doing a video on The Atlantic and their many lies soon as well, since I’m sure people have a lot of questions as to why the hell I even trusted the mainstream media. Hand on my heart I can say their writing on me is just filled with lies from start to finish.
I think governments and media have realised just attacking people isn’t as effective anymore because everyone is becoming more skeptical of established entities everyday. So instead they have to turn dissidents against one another, spread lies within and subvert the conversations and trust between any useful creators and their audience. I’m not going to stand for it anymore.
I’m really excited for Crossfire to come out, it’s a phenomenal piece of work - we all face challenges every day with people trying to stop the truth from coming out but we have to overcome it.
I hope you all appreciated this honest chat - and I look forward to being more open with you all!"