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No.11582315 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Honestly, I love paying for sex. I can pay some hot Asian girl, 10 years my junior a few hundred dollars to blow me for an hour in a way that no gf ever could.

Yes, I have STDs but most of them I got from previous roastie gfs, not even from the whores. Honestly if I didn't know what to look for I wouldn't even know I had STDs, they are almost invisible and cause no discomfort, I can't get them twice.

I don't have to go to the gym, I don't have to simp out and pretend I have some trash political opinions.

I got a girls phone number the other day but I just don't care, prostitution has spoiled me, I expect sexual performance and good looks that are way out of my league as a chubby 5'7 mid 30s male. I don't care if I have to spend more than half my welfare check on hookers, then I play vidya, eat tendies, tuna + rice, mac & cheese and drink cheap wine.

I enjoy my life and I feel like I'm winning a lot harder than most of the suckers out there, slaving away at crap jobs whilst their stinky loose wives cheat on them with Tyrone.