>>11597745you think "talking to myself" would be a great idea, even since this year is slowly ending?
Not if I'm in this place, and I never confirmed talking to myself.
I probably just wanted a friend, though...
A friend that understands me, and doesn't treat me like garbage, or that they treat me like I have a scat fetish or whatever piss thing, or whatever thing that they think I'm "into" that I'm not even aware of.
Oh, the horror of what 2020 has done. I wanted to start something new in this year, but it appears that ended up talking to people that I have met for just... 3 or 2 years on this 'hellholle' of a site.
I tried with nearly every board but never posted frequently on those. Since of course, /bant/ was the only place for me until I looked for /baaa/. And to make this short, that board also got a bit downhill or whatever, and now there's a faux /baaa2/.
I know that wasn't a long backstory but you probably already know what's of me anyway.