>>11643134>NCSWIC Alright faggots.
Let me learn you a little something about interoperability.
It's fucking impossible from a radio standpoint.
Wanna known why?
These cunts use proprietary encoding on their digital truncation.
>b-but that's good Yeah, if every single agency (police, fire, rescue, military, etc.) all move to DMR and TurboNet.
But guess what, about 20% still run analog FDM.
Guess what else?
About 20 other percent don't even use Motorola.
Well as it turns out, they're overpriced as fuck, don't interoperate, and some people just flat ass don't like TDM and that low SNR makes a dead key instead of a fade.
They talked this shit up over and over and over after 9/11 but guess what?
It just simply is not possible when non tech people are in charge and companies are out to make a buck.
Remember Stoneman Douglass shooting?
Know what happened on the backend with the infrastructure?
Know what timeslots are?
And don't even get me started on why we can't adopt Tetra and why P25 is shit.