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ID:ZZHJArkX No.11653704 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel that dark times are approaching. I saw a glimpse of light when Biden called for unity, and said the who ever your political "opponents" are, they are not your enemies, they are your fellow Americans. However it was shut down by a radical witch on Twitter, who was calling for exactly the opposite, "keep a list" of everybody who contributed to the Trump administration, this includes his voters, there was also the Trump accountability project which looks like the Maoist Struggle Session mixed with Mussolini's wet dreams.

Independently of your political affiliation, you have to agree on the truth: we are stuck on information bubbles and **no one** is immune to propaganda. And those information bubbles are not a political weapon to radicalized, divide-and-conquer illuminati conspiracy theory. They are a method the tech giants developed with good and less good intentions. To help you seek content that you love to watch and read more quickly and easier; and also to feed you Ads you're likely to eat... Nothing is free. The radicalization on the political was a by-product no of us saw coming and we are trying to fix it.

We have to fight for more people to get truthful information, and to seek unity with their fellow citizens. We should not be punishing people who got duped, instead we should strive for their enlightenment, might be harder and less fun than publicly shaming them, I guess, but it is the right thing to do. Also, you can more easily (and faster) de-radicalize people by doing the Daryl Davis method. Be kind, be supportive and slowly but surely try to help them achieve love.